Get Involved

Charlotte and her unicorn

Get Involved

Transform lives, one wish at a time.

  • Angel

    Donate monthly to help us reach every eligible child

    By pledging your support, you can ensure more children
    re-discover hope when they need it most.

  • Areice

    Fundraising empowers you to make a greater impact

    Whether it’s through athletic events, lemonade stands or birthday fundraisers, passionate supporters rally their networks to grant wishes in their communities.

  • Wish kid Kylie

    Don't wait for hope.
    Create it.

    Hope is essential for children with critical illnesses and you can unlock the life-changing power of a wish for a child in our community today. A wish begins with hope...and hope begins with you.

  • Kyer having a blast in the plane's cockpit

    National partners transform lives

    Our generous national corporate partners help grant life-changing wishes across the U.S. through innovative and customized partnership programs. Learn how your company can make a difference today!

  • Wish kid Shayna with her maltipoo and volunteer Barbara

    Volunteers are the backbone of making wishes come true

    They are at the airport greeting a wish family, delivering gifts or helping a child determine a heartfelt wish. Share your time and talents as a volunteer and transform a child’s life.

  • Iris and family in the snow

    There are many other ways to support Make-A-Wish

    Whether you donate airline miles, Adopt-A-Wish® or establish a charitable giving plan – there are so many ways you can transform kids' lives.

Donate Now







